Tuesday, August 2, 2011

EOC WEEK 4: Interveiw with Kevin Roberts

 "Lovemarks, an idea that has transformed the conventions of brand marketing." (Advertising by Design, pg 63)  Kevin Roberts is an amazing leader in advertising creation. Lovemarks is offered in 28 different languages and also has built emotional connections to branding. Kevin Roberts built empires off of emotional connections.
"At the heart of Lovemarks are three elements: mystery, sensuality, and intimacy."(Advertising by Design, pg 63) JC Penny's was a great example of a company that with the help of Kevin Roberts was a company that transformed into what was once a company going under to a company that can now relate to the average housewife. Kevin Roberts continues to inspire and get ideas from everyone and thing.

May'10/Chicago, USA

Listen to the Music http://www.lovemarks.com/index.php?pageID=20022&_fr_collectionid=8&_fr_collection1id=269

In this article it gives an overview of where Kevin stands today. He is still highly motivated in everything he does. In this first paragraph it explains the importance in consumer decision today. How consumers are effected today and can be effected in the future.
"In this keynote presentation at the Sweets and Snacks expo in Chicago, Kevin Roberts shares five ideas to help those in the industry be empathetic to both the realities around them and life through the eyes of the consumer. He covers key ways to get to the future first in the people-powered economy, through delivering Priceless Value, Emotion, Participation, Lovemarks, Shelf Back thinking and Purpose."

"Of course the consumer has already moved on. While we’re dealing with a world that is complex, uncertain, volatile and ambiguous, the consumer has already reframed VUCA as Vibrant, Unreal, Crazy and Astounding."
Read the whole article its very interesting.  (http://www.lovemarks.com/index.php?pageID=20022&_fr_collectionid=8&_fr_collection1id=269)

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