Tuesday, July 26, 2011

EOC WEEK 3: Tobacco Advertisement

  • 1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame? The cowboy or Rancher is about to light up while riding his horse.
  • 2. What is the setting? Country setting, kind of a soothing setting. What are the conditions? Conditions are safe, he's riding a horse, in the country,and its a sunny day.
  • 3. Who are the people or groups?Male Cowboy or Rancher
  • 4. What is their point of view around this specific experience?The cowboy is experience the life of an American hard working rancher or cowboy, relaxing while riding!
  • 5. What are their goals? To show a real man smokes.
  • 6. What are their assumptions?The assumption is that its normal to ride horse and smoke. What are their perceptions? That cowboys or ranchers smoke.
  • 7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation?  Conflict is that smoking kills you. Surgeon General warning.
  • 8. What are the outcomes? The advertisement shows ease in everyday smoking, it shows that he's seems more manly if he smokes. He looks hardworking.
As an overview of this ad, which we shouldn't see today, I feel the message of smoking is bad is kind of hidden by the element of the natural feeling of the cowboy looking like he's so relaxed. The ad being relaxed allows the customer to view themselves being comforted by smoking as well.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

EOC: WEEK 2 Three Examplesof Questionable Ethics

Today there are a lot of questionable ethics. I think the main one we see alot today is food commercials. I will watch a burger commercial for McDonald's and want to go and get a Big Mac meal, then get in my car drive there and get one. The only problem is when I get the meal home and get my saliva going, I look at the burger and say to myself " This isn't what was on the commercial?" When in all actually it is what I ordered but doesn't seem to even look like it. The one on T.V. was hearty and beefy and cheesy and fresh. The one I got was soggy, little, and un-appetizing. (http://thewvsr.com/adsvsreality.htm)

Another one I feel gets people is shoes. They tell you you are getting these amazing shoes that help make you more in shape. Althought they are hidious and un-safe to even where. This was a jok so not only should we make even easier for americans to be lazy and not work out but then make a un-safe way to get in shape and not even have to have any goal or time aside, or even physical excersize that really helps become healthy.
Shape Ups by Sketchers were a hit but they werent stylish or safe, now they have new and improved the Shape up to help you look more fashionable and get fit!? ( http://www.skechers.com/style/12470/shape-ups-liv/gypk#Color=GYWG)

I know that today more teens are smoking tabacco. Is it that we have made ciggerette packs more apealing to a younger group. We have made so many different "cool" types cigerettes.


My name is Leah Oberle I am currently studying in my last year to achieve a Bachelors in Business and Science. My field of study is fashion and retail. I hope to pursue a career in a fashion related field. I also enjoy marketing and advertising aspects of business. I have been working in the retail field since I was 16 yrs. old. I have always giving style and shopping advice to my friends and family. I would like to create a line sometime in my career. I also have a lot of interest in visuals. Visuals are an important impact on buying; I would love to be that impact! I have a way with colors and design. I am also very creative which will help me be successful in anything I pursue. I don't have a BIG clear picture of whom or where I want to be, but I know it will involve fashion and retail. I have participated in the Fashion Club for 3 years. During those years we have done a lot of events. Some include clothing donations, money fundraisers for new clothing for homeless children, fashion shows, and several other events. I have also been a part of MAGIC in LasVegas, and have also participated in a Kate Spade fashion release. With all that said I am eager to finish school and begin my real career! I hope to become a visual expert and have a line on the side. I plan to achieve this and much more on my journey through life in the fashion retail field. Before I graduate I plan on having a full line designed and have networked my butt off in order to be successful after school!